I suffer badly from S.A.D. You know, Seasonal Affected Disorder. I am depressed from November through March every year. It's the dark AND the cold that do me in. I love the sun and its warmth spreading over my shoulders, letting me know of its presence at all times. The only footwear I desire to own are flip flops and I want to be buried in board shorts. In another life, I am sure I was a surfer dude. I dream of owning a surf shack and having a beach cruiser as my sole means of transport. My dogs would frolic in the ocean and I would have a vast collection of sea glass.
But I live in the Northeast where winter means gray skies, dirty snow and high heating costs. I am quite fond of the town I live in, though, and that helps. Here, on this lovely Long Island peninsula, there are many things to do during the cold dark months, like local concerts, free library talks and restaurants on the bay where even winter views are beautiful.
Yesterday, one such event took place. It was the annual multi-church/synagogue choir concert at the local nature preserve (once a wealthy person's estate) and MY choir sang in it! Each choir got about 20 minutes and then we ended with a rousing combined chorale of America the Beautiful, the entire packed audience joining in. The music was really good, but even better was the spirit of community that permeated the large and sunny room.
For a couple of hours on a chilly mid-winter Sunday afternoon, brightness and warmth abounded. Friends and neighbors chatted, older folks laughed with young. The gray stone walls of the Preserve mansion seemed to glow a little in the filtered afternoon light as we walked back to our cars, the setting sun promising to come back a little earlier the next day.
They say music is the language of the soul. Yes. Yes I believe it is.